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Hello All…

3 Mar

Posting this month may be sparse due to the following:

I close on my house in 2 days. (yay!)

I will be moving, and this lady has TOO much stuff!

I have about 4 antique furniture pieces that need refinishing.

Oh and, I am getting married at the end of the month!

I will be posting lots of goodies when I return to reality. I will start to develop my Wedding portion of the blog. Also look for antique/furniture refurbs, or ‘upcycles’ as some refer to them as (I am not fond of that term). I have scored some pretty awesome flea market/salvation army/craigslist furniture in the last month or so and can not wait to get my hands on it and breathe a little life back into these amazing pieces. Fun times to come ❤

To pass the time, here are Sir Ohly Meynard, and Miss Lena Lou, Schnauzer royalty in these here parts! 🙂

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